10. Our dog Sweet Pea has been feeling neglected and needs attention whenever I can give it to her. Getting on-line becomes less important when this sweet thing needs a walk and some love!

9. The holidays: It becomes a time that goes by quickly and you're not sure where all the time went. But it sure was fun!
8. House addition: We are looking to add a master bed and bath. We've been working with a contractor and trying to figure how to make it happen. We need more space and unfortunately, our house is worth less than we paid for it right now!
7. Friendships: I'm trying to see my friends more and my husband literally kicks me out of the house some nights when my girlfriends call and want to spend time with me.
6. Family: I've been wanting to spend more time with my family, but the husband's family needs lots of support right now. My father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple of months ago. He seems to be doing pretty well with the chemo treatments, but my mother-in-law is running herself ragged taking care of him. We've been trying to support them as much as we can.
5. Nerdy Girls seems to be out of commission. The website I was on the design team for hasn't posted a monthly contest in quite some time. It forced me to no only make a blog post every month, but it also got me to scrapbook at least once a month.
4. Sleeping: I've been doing a lot lately. My sleeping pattern seems to be changing and I'm not sure when I'll ever find normalcy again!
3. School: I've been working on an added authorization so I can officially be a special education preschool teacher. Right now, I have a temporary credential. I'm taking on-line classes that are a month long and it extremely time-consuming! Luckily, I only have one more week, then I get a nice long break!
2.My new job: Going from high school to preschool has been a struggle energy-wise. There is also a learning curve. I was at the high school for 10 years. I knew what was expected and how it all flowed. I'm still trying to get a flow going without needing a nap everyday!
1. And the number 1 reason, which really affects all the other reasons: I'm pregnant! It's been a trying and anxiety filled time! The first trimester knocked me off my feet. I literally came home from work and slept for almost 2 hours during the month of September and October. It's our first and the reason our house just isn't quite big enough. It's the reason poor Sweet Pea is getting less love. It's the reason that my job is so exhausting. We're half-way through (20 weeks!) and we are very excited! The photo is from 3 weeks ago. Not much belly then. I'm still not very big. Only people that know me can tell.

So now you know! I can't promise to blog more. Living life has become difficult enough. I will try though. I think I can post at least once more before the year ends.
Would you like to see more 10 things on the 10th lists? Check out Shimelle's blog. There are lots of great lists!